Monday, July 14, 2014

The 2016 Wendy Davis/ Sandra Fluke Ticket

I searched the Internet and didn't find anyone else saying it, so I'll go ahead and put it out there: Wendy Davis for President/Sandra Fluke for Vice President in 2016! What do you think? The Dems (or Greens) would bring the War on Women right to the Repubs doorstep. Enough defense, let's get on offense! It's really a dare to the Repubs: Go ahead, say it, say what you're thinking. Here we are. Time to enter the 21st century. If you can't handle it, then say so, and vote for your crusty old white men and your token Clarence Thomas drones, but for people who have any cognitive abilities, here is a ticket that is strong and won't back down. Bring it on!

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