Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Green Police!

Great 80's style music.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Joe Romm hates dividends

Joe Romm hates dividends. Doesn't want the money. Would rather give it to coal companies? Maybe that's going too far. But definitely has the same distaste for giving money to people as I do for fake offsets and giveaways to utilities (he likes those though). In my mind, lobbyists are the problem. In his mind, they are part of the system and must be accommodated.

I tried to comment on his blog, but I got moderated (censored). Luckily, the blogosphere is a democratic forum, so, Joe, here you go:

First they ignore you, then they fight you, then they try to convince you that you don't want a dividend check and that a carbon price will only be "a postage stamp a day," then they lose the Massachusetts Senate seat, then you win.