Monday, December 22, 2008

Countdown to Copenhagen

I got this countdown clock at the UNFCCC website. The successor to the Kyoto Protocol will be negotiated in Copenhagen next year, and will probably set the rules until 2020 or so. If the rules are wrong, then we'll have another wasted decade of not dealing with climate change, digging ourselves in deeper, and possibly dooming much of the planet. (hey, are there any good reality shows on TV?)

Friday, December 05, 2008

Cap'n Dividend

Introducing Captain Dividend! A new superhero to rescue civilization from an evil economy that emits too many greenhouse gases (dramatic music in the background). Instead of "stronger than a locomotive," this guy utilizes an upstream cap, 100% auctioning of permits, and cash dividends returned to consumers on a per capita basis. (see the women swooning as he describes carbon market design) Nice biceps and pecs. (Remind you of a certain governor, but without the accent?)

Note: I had to use Mozilla Firefox and download a Flash Player plug in for the animation to work.