Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hey Bush, waive this!

The U.S. EPA's denial of California's waiver request regarding regulating greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles represents a larger effort by the Bush Administration to marginalize West Coast liberals. This makes Governor Schwarzenegger the Achilles' heel for Bush. Bush signed the new Energy Bill that increases CAFE standards, and is using that as cover for a supposedly federalist philisophy on tackling climate change. What about States' rights (a Gingrichian mantra), let alone all the cities and counties that are taking action on climate? Bush (or I should say Cheney) would try to stop those too if he could, since they impede oil company and automaker profits.

Well, let's hope Bush's war against West Coast liberals is as (un)successful as his other wars have been.

Note: A Cheney-like graphic originally accompanied this thoughtful and measured posting. It was removed voluntarily. Click here for more information on the Million Finger March.