Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Elegy for Kucinich and His Next Step: Promoting Dividends?

Kucinich is ahead of the curve. He was redistricted out of his Congressional seat, so he'll be looking for a new job or hobby. The conspiracy theorists might point out that Kucinich had just started tackling the Federal Reserve with his National Employment Emergency Defense Act, HR 2990 , aka the NEED Act.

What I liked about the NEED Act (no, its not the melodramatic name or cheesy acronym) is the Universal Citizens Dividends:

“. . . the Secretary [of the Treasury], in cooperation with the Monetary Authority, shall make recommendations to the Congress for payment of a Citizens Dividend as a tax-free grant to all United States citizens residing in the United States"

I'd like to see climate dividends help us solve the problem of climate change, but any sort of Commons Dividend works for me.