Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Why do smears only work on good people? A Requiem for Van Jones

Why was my 6-year smear campaign against Rumsfeld less successful than Glenn Beck's 2-week smear campaign against Van Jones?

Do Dems just have no backbone, and when they get criticized they immediately run for cover? But I know Van Jones and he's no wimp. Maybe Obama can't stand up for his people, and wants to cater to the Repubs so he can get every possible vote on health care and climate. But how far will he bend? You give up Van Jones after a mere week or so?

I don't follow right wing media, so I don't know how loud their echo chamber was on Van. I don't know if the minority party Repubs had traction and could have actually used it to distract people from the important issues coming up. Is the very mention of having another commission examine 9-11 enough reason to fire a green jobs expert? What are people so afraid of? I do know that Van's a good guy, and doesn't deserve to be booted after only a few months on the job.

Is Obama going to be spineless when attacked? If so, here are some modified slogans for your next campaign: "Change we can believe in (until someone says something mean, then, we'll ask our change agents to resign)" "Change we can believe in (as long as no one ever asks any questions, and repudiates anything they ever said that was the least bit controversial, about Bush, Rumsfeld, the Iraq War, or 9-11)" "Hope (that Fox News doesn't smear anyone who works at the White House because if they do, then we'll immediately give up our whole agenda and hope they don't think of anything else to smear)" I really do hope that this isn't the case.

In counterpoint, Rumsfeld stuck around for 6 disastrous years. I wasn't smearing what Rumsfeld said about 9-11, I was smearing what he DID about it. Well, it's not really a smear if it's true. But Rumsfeld got to stick around, and Dems voted to support Bush's war plans, and to keep funding the war (even now).

In my idealistic blogosphere, smears against Rumsfeld would work, and Repub smears against good people would be ignored.

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