Monday, September 28, 2009

Tell McChrystal that all the new troops are going to fight climate change instead

Sorry McC. Rumsfeld had his head up his butt. His worldview was warped, and I would sympathize with you for trying to invent a reason for being in Afghanistan, but you military folks are holding a hammer and try to make everything into a nail. Now, if you could look around for a minute, you might notice that the whole biosphere is under attack, and the national security of the United States of America is threatened. The enemy? Climate change.

So, Obama, tell McC that he can have extra troops, but that they won't be sent to Afghanistan. They'll be assigned to stopping climate change, and they won't have any guns or missiles or things that kill.

By the way, Mr. Obama (and I did like your books, and I am trying to have hope and I like change), while I'm giving you orders, you could make me General of the CarbonWarRoom and let me invade Congress and the NYSE and institute a Carbon Share program. Maybe I'll take an army of wonky climate economists to Copenhagen and force the world to support a Global Climate Trust too.

To summarize, whatever the mission was in Afghanistan (helping Bush run up deficits so that Obama can't pass universal health care now?), we don't want it anymore. Bring the troops home, well, maybe leave a few Special Forces to hunt down bin Laden, but no need to try to run the whole country. Sure, I want to help women over there. Let's help fund some US AID workers and Oxfam and others that can set up shelters for battered women and schools, etc, and bring home the macho dudes with the rifles, who only make people anxious and aren't the right people to help women in burkas anyway.

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