Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Eric Cantor: Smirking and Idiotic
Usually this blog has focused on Rumsfeld, who was the smirking-est, most self-congratulatory right-winger out there for many years. And one of the most dangerous, in terms of putting people in harm's way, manufacturing made up crises, and wasting lots of resources. He would gleefully invade countries, resulting in thousands of dead and injured Americans, and wasting trilions of dollars, and think he was so gosh darned smart the whole time!
But now there is a new smirker. Watch out for this guy.
There he was, giving an interview on CNN, smirking about how he was so clever. Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader, and one of the idiots behind the government shutdown and debt ceiling default debacle, had orchestrated a vote to fund veteran's services and maybe one or two other things. Then when Democrats voted against it, because it didn't restart the whole darn government, and picking and choosing only what Republicans want to fund is stupid, because there are also Democrats in Congress, and you have to work with them, Cantor, Cantor gleefully told CNN, "Oh, the Democrats just hate Veterans." What a douche!
Of course, Cantor is not the only idiot in Congress, there are a whole slew of them now, and they have shut down the government and pushed us to the brink of debt default. Ted Cruz is a moron, and I believe we already skewered Paul Ryan. Gilligan! I almost forgot about that one. But Cantor, like these other douches, is so pleased with his own ideological inflexibility. That wouldn't be a problem if his ideology included helping people and the planet. But no, his ideology is to hurt people and the planet. Starting with the most vulnerable. What about science? What about climate change? What about helping people who are poor? Social justice! That is why I an annoyed at these guys. They have a cover story that helps them justify to themselves why hurting people is good for them. Builds backbone, stiff upper lips, pulling up from bootstraps (bullshit!). But that is nonsense, and these guys, like the chickenhawks that Rumsfeld hung out with, are all hypocrites when held up to a mirror of their own beliefs.
So, my call to Cantor is (and I'm sure he'll be receptive to my wish list after I trash him online): Fully fund food stamps, restart Head Start after it got defunded by the sequester, get the Repugnicans to stop trying to disenfranchise voters, pass a carbon cap and an escalating carbon price that returns revenues back to people as a per capita dividend, and support health care for all - universal health care - brought to you by a repentant Eric Cantor! Repent! And start helping people, not hurting them, use your power for good not evil. Good luck with your internal transformation. We await your apologies, and we'll see about forgiving you for your some point.
Eric Cantor,
fiscal cliff,
Paul Ryan,
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