Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Alito As Indicator for State of the Union Speech

Alito shook his head like a partisan at a previous Obama State of the Union speech. For tonight's speech, Obama is expected to mention climate change. If, at the end of that section, Alito is clawing his eyes out and running screaming from the room, then Obama will have likely made a few good points, and there will be reason for ecological optimism for the first time since before Copenhagen. If all we get is an eye roll from Alito, then that's probably bad news for the global climate. It means the speech was something like blah blah blah solar is great blah blah blah all of the above blah let's drill and frack blah oh and we may still approve the Keystone pipeline blah I'm a moderate gimme a break enviros Romney was worse so here's a few million for R&D blah I wish I could do more but Congress is blocking me blah there now let's get back to drone striking.

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