Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A People's Agenda from 1995

A People's Agenda by Hiralal Desarda, March 28, 1995: I. Disband World Bank, IMF and the Bretton Woods systems and stop so called structural adjustment programs forth with. II. Repudiate all debt; halt repatriation of profits, revoke all economic sanctions against all nations and end discrimination on the basis of Race, Religion, Gender and other inequalities. III. Suspend the hydrocarbon based energy model and invest in alternative bio-solar energy systems and renewable technologies which are environmentally sound, sustainable and socially just. IV. Prohibit MNC's from running businesses in countries other than their own and hand over their present assets to local agencies of the people. V. Promote alternative lifestyles of consumption, production and transport. This meat-eating, tobacco smoking, alcohol guzzling, private automobile addicted and energy intensive gadget dependant life pattern of the present day dominant industrial and urban society must be radically reduced in a very conscious and rapid manner for our planet and peoples to survive. VI. Work for values of family and sexual morality and restraint. VII. Respect for all life forms, unity of life and harmony with nature. In short, total nonviolence should be the basis of all human and social activity.

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