Friday, June 26, 2009

Some Music and Videos of Hope

A tribute to Michael Jackson, and hoping that we can solve the problems of the world.

"We are the World" - An anthem of hope, great 80's cameos.

"Man in the Mirror" - A good song to listen to if you are thinking of becoming vegetarian.

"Smooth Criminal" - looks like he was protesting the WTO and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle police started getting violent.

"You are not Alone" - I like the Olive song by that name too.

"Heal the World" - sort of cheesy, but a good kids song, nice anti-war sentiment.

"Earth Song" - really good, put that pollution back into the smokestack.

"Feed the World" - this isn't Michael Jackson, but I think his work helped inspire it, plus I was on a roll, and more 80's cameos.

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