Diets high in red meat and in processed meat shorten life span not just from cancer and heart disease but from Alzheimer's, stomach ulcers and an array of other conditions as well, a U.S. National Cancer Institute study has found.
U.S. National Cancer Institute researchers reported that a quarter-pound hamburger or a small pork chop eaten daily could put you at increased risk for a variety of cancers.
[guess what?]...the American Meat Institute objected to the conclusion...[but the sobering facts say...]
Dying from cancer also was more likely among those eating the most red meat: 22 percent higher for men, 20 percent for women. The risk for death from cancer increased 12 percent for men and 11 percent for women who ate the greatest amount of processed meat.
Similarly, the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease was higher by 27 percent for men and 50 percent for women; for processed red meat, the risk was 9 percent higher for men and 38 percent higher for women.
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In Time Magazine, a nutrition epidemiologist who directs the interdisciplinary obesity program at the University of North Carolina said cutting back from a Big Mac every other day — (7.5 ounces of red meat, the highest quintile of meat consumption in the study, or, in other words, the typical American diet) — to one Big Mac a week would yield "dramatic health benefits."
I'll go even further and say, go vegetarian, buy organic, ban foie gras, and stop killing animals. Too radical? Well, also, stop pestering your vegetarian friends and family about how they are not getting enough protein, or about how their habits are messing up your traditional Palin-style Thanksgiving death-fest. They will give you a nice eulogy at your funeral, with "Colors" by Ice-T playing in the background.
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