Below is a letter I just sent to my fearful blue-dog Congressperson, encouraging them to support Rep. Kucinich's impeachment resolution H. Res. 1345. H.Res. 1345 says Bush should be impeached because he "deceived Congress with fabricated threats of Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) to fraudulently obtain support for an authorization for the use of force against Iraq and used that fraudulently obtained authorization, then acting in his capacity under Article II, Section II of the Constitution as Commander in Chief, to commit US troops to combat in Iraq." Sounds pretty reasonable to me.
I sometimes feel bad for the poor, cowering blue-dog, trying to maintain a hawkish exterior while you watch our security dwindle, the economy fall apart, and your reasoning for continuing to fund the Cold War era half-trillion dollar boondoggle of obsolete techno-toys for men with inferiority complexes about their genitalia. Your ideology is outdated. Enough of the Dr. Strangeloves and the George C. Scott generals. It was probably all fun and games in the 50's and 60's, but we have a real problem on our hands now. People are dying in Iraq because of Bush's lies, and global warming (and peak oil) are about to body-slam the global economy. No more silliness. Clean up your mess and go to your room.
By the way, I don't care what the meaning of "is" is. This isn't pro-forma political theater we're talking about. This is calling the President to explain why he lied. He'll say, oh, Tenet said this or that. But sorry, the Buck stops, so time to take the heat or get out of the kitchen. OK, that's my preamble to the letter, as follows.
Dear Fearful Blue-Dog Congressperson:
The American people do not support the War in Iraq. We need the money being wasted there to help us here. We need to address global warming, the REAL threat to Homeland Security. We can't waste billions and trillions of dollars, and if the military-industrial complex happens to reside in your congressional district, it is up to you to show leadership, and tell them, point blank, the Cold War is over, we don't need these milti-billion dollar missiles and bombers and fighter jets. The Soviets are gone. We need renewable energy technologies, and we need these aerospace companies to get off corporate welfare, stop making killing machines while the polar ice caps melt and endanger the future for our children. We need them to change their business model, and stop the war machine. We need our Congressional Representatives to say this in public. And we should hold the President accountable, and have a full debate about why we are in Iraq. It's an election year, why not ask where billions of tax payer dollars are going, with no stay the course strategy, and no exit strategy. If you happened to make a bad decision to get us into war, you can follow John Edwards' example and confess to it, tell us why you were misled, point the finger at the people who told lies, like Rumsfeld and Cheney, and reassure your constituents that you will hold the liars accountable. Don't be the victim. Take the initiative. Don't let the Republicans set your agenda for you, and don't fall into their "bleed the Treasury" strategy to de-fund social programs through military deficits. Change course. Change we are told we can believe in. Can we? Let's end Rumsfeld's legacy now.
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