Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Edwards drops out, Nader drops in?

Well, I liked Edwards a lot. I'm sorry to see him go, just like I was sorry to see Kerry concede in 2004 when there were voting irregularities to be investigated and possible recounts to be recounted.

But, when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
I got to admire Nader's timing.

I wonder if he was waiting, because Edwards had a great platform, and if Edwards made it further, Nader might have sat this one out.

I know a lot of people who supported Edwards, including people who had been Greens for decades, who switched, "just this once," to vote for Edwards on Super Tuesday. Now those people look sorta foolish.

Those votes may go to Nader now, or maybe to Cynthia McKinney, who actually registered Green, has congresssional experience, and could bring some fresh faces into the Green Party.

I just read that Cindy Sheehan just resigned from the national board of the Progressive Democrats of America. Cindy and Cynthia...hmm...(but they can't both be from California).

Well, this may be a new phase in the '08 campaign.
OK, Kucinich supporters, the panty lines are drawn, which side are you on?

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