Dubya may have recently seen the West Wing episode where President Bartlett pardons Communications Director Toby Ziegler. Bartlett struggled with the moral implications of a pardon, but at least in the TV show Ziegler's infraction had a moral undertone (trying to prevent the militarization of space, a theme of Rumsfeld Invaders). I doubt Dubya thought for 2 seconds about the decision. He just went with his gut. Being a loyal Bushie trumped honesty, ethics, and the law. Scooter Libby made no attempt at morality, he simply lied to protect Rove and Cheney's role in outing CIA agent Valerie Wilson. Dubya is sending a signal that political hits are worthy of reward. Happy July 4th everyone!
1 comment:
It is comforting to know that someone else is keeping up with Dubya’s mockery decisions. Though, we can’t really blame him, seeing as how he has Cheney and others behind him, he’s simply just a puppet. But I miss The West Wing LOL. I felt more up to date and secure under Barlett’s supervision as opposed to Dubya’s, lol. Did you hear about the new mini-series on Spike TV called “The Killing Point?” Donnie Wahlberg is the negotiator, while John Leguizamo is the leader of a team of American Iraqi-War veterans that find themselves in the middle of a hostage situation after their own failed back robbery attempt. Sound pretty edge of your set action huh? Check out www.killpoint.spiketv.com for more info, but remember it permieres Sunday July 22nd at 9 pm and SpikeTV. Yay for TiVO! I just wanted to pass this along with you because I work for Spike TV.
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