Friday, March 09, 2007

B-town steps up to Rumsfeld

Ah, B-town, for all your flaws, you still have some life left in you. If the resolution passes, it may qualify for a High score on Rumsfeld Invaders.

BERKELEY, Calif. Berkeley City Council members are set to consider signing on to an international lawsuit seeking a war crime investigation of Rumsfeld.

The suit was filed last November in Berlin by lawyers for inmates of Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison and Guantanamo Bay. It alleges former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld ordered and condoned torture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Resolution Passed Unanimously

The Berkeley City Council passed the resolution endorsing the prosecution of Rumsfeld et al. in a German court by 6-0 (three members having gone home) at 12:36 a.m. Wednesday. The resolution originated with the City's Peace and Justice Commission.

Some good information sources:

Center for Constitutional Rights news release contains final text of the resolution as passed:

The Jurist, University of Pittsburgh Law School, provides helpful links explaining the legal principles under which the German courts can consider this case, as well as to the text of the court complaint:

Berkeley Peace and Justice Commission: