Sunday, November 12, 2006

Post-election Afterglow

Congratulations, fellow Rumsfeld Invaders!

After 6 years of struggle, against adversity, in the face of American flag stickers in the back windows of Hummers, when the media had been infiltrated by gay Republican operatives and worshipped the devil, when only violence and Constitution shredding were seen as patriotic and Murtha was still waiting to see how things would go, when the Senate Intelligence Committee was acting like an stood your ground.

You supported Rumsfeld Invaders, because you knew that only by making fun of Rumsfeld by playing a version of Space Invaders on the Atari 2600 featuring Rumsfeld would America awaken to the stupidity of his policies and save our country from further disaster.

Well, it took 6 years.

But on November 8, 2006, Donald Rumsfeld resigned as Secretary of Defense.

It is a new day for America.

Let's not celebrate too soon. The war in Iraq is still quagmiring along. Death every day. The U.S. Treasury is being drained (if there's anything left), and the no-bid contracts are still being awarded to Halliburton. Cheney is still #2 (and smells like it too), and I wouldn't be suprised if he still talks to Rumsfeld every day on the phone. Prisoners are being rendited, and probably tortured, with no American provision for humane treatment, the Geneva Conventions, or habeas corpus. Mark Foley and his kind still garner close to 48% of the vote, even after resigning in disgrace and acknowledging their disgusting corruption. The two party system still chugs along squelching democracy wherever it tries to break through the concrete with real ideas and ecological perspectives.

But still, it was a nice election result. Pombo is gone. Santorum - out! unTalent from Missouri, sent home with no dessert. Close elections in Montana and Virginia went the right way, amazingly. California voted for a Secretary of State who will take action on the voting machines situation, finally. Katherine Harris and Ken Blackwell have rigged their last election, and are consigned to the post-political backwaters. It's been a long, dark time, but it is nice to have a tiny bit of hope again.

As one Rumsfeld Invader observer noted, it is back to 1998 again. Sure, it's better than 2005. But it's certainly no utopia. We were out on the streets in 1998, preparing for a showdown in 1999 in Seattle over the WTO's anti-environmental, anti-labor policies. Maybe the blue-green alliance will return. Maybe 2007 will be the next 1999, and we can shut down the 21st century threat to global democracy, the United States War Machine. It was until recently piloted by Donald H. Rumsfeld. Now it needs a new direction. More humanitarianism and less bombs. More healthy people, clean water, and Millennium Development Goals, and less threats, lies, and swagger.

We'll be sending notes and encouragement to House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi. A woman's place is in the House...and the Senate! Kick Rumsfeld Butt! Nancy, feel free to subpoena Rummy, and ask him the tough questions. He cut and ran before you could get him to testify, but it's not too late for a War Crimes Tribunal. Maybe we'll even let him have access to an attorney and due process of the law. Maybe.

Rumsfeld Invaders will be evaluating its mission over the next month or two. We will stay active and engaged. And we will be blogging and enraged. Let us know what you think.

Now, on to Level 2: Cheney.

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