Thursday, June 22, 2006

Cut and Run, or Blood and Spin?

The Repubs are framing the debate on Iraq as either "cut and run" or "stay the course."
The Dems, like deer in headlights, are paralyzed, and are losing the public relations war.

Here's my advice for framing, you helpless Dems:
Bush's strategy is "Blood and spin."
Your strategy should be "Bring the troops home safely."
Your strategy invokes the hearth and love and nurturance of the family- moral politics.
Bush's strategy (or lack thereof) is to try to downplay the bloody war by spinning the media.
You need to point that out. The spin also refers to the cover-ups as the reasons for war kept changing. Eventually "blood and spin" can be changed to "indictment and imprisonment" as these guys start getting thrown in jail for Scooter Libbying, Tom Delaying, and Abramoffing with the Constitution in pursuing this illegal war.

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